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Lab Experiments

National Science Day 2021-22 


Group - 4

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Indian Pandemics

The broad description of the disease, its symptoms,possible causes and its primary target population (children, women/men, young/old etc), Sites of occurrence – rural/urban, hot/cold climate etc.

 The scientific description/ explaination of the disease;. The present stage of the Battle of Science against the disease. Has it been conquered? How? What techniques/methods have been used to defeat the disease ; if not yet conquered, what are the present challenges and the status of research in the area.

 Malaria is a mosquito-borne infectious disease that affects humans and other animals. Malaria causes symptoms that typically include fever, tiredness, vomiting, and headaches. In severe cases, it can cause jaundice, seizures, coma, or death. Symptoms usually begin ten to fifteen days after being bitten by an infected mosquito. If not properly treated, people may have recurrences of the disease months later. In those who have recently survived an infection, reinfection usually causes milder symptoms. This partial resistance disappears over months to years if the person has no continuing exposure to malaria.
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